
“Inspirational fiction author Maria Antonia Diaz delights readers of fiction and non-fiction by offering works that combine adventure with the supernatural and the divine.”

Navigating in the vast sea of information, a tiny dot in cyberspace, a ripple in time … the written word becomes alive, one tap, one click at a time.

INKSPEARE is an outlet for inkspiration, inkgenuity, inkmagination, inkdiosyncrasy, inktellectual exchange, inkdividuality, inkdulgence, inkformation, inkquisition, inktrospection, inktuition, inkterpretation, inksight, and at its worst, of public inkgnominy.

INKSPEARE is where I can share some of my passions – from my professional work as a freelance writer, to some of my personal interests.  I will share my journey as a writer and my efforts at trying to live more responsible on this planet, which includes moving from hectic Jersey to rural Virginia, and restoring a dilapidated farmhouse.  Both journeys happening at once; but mostly, I hope that I can inspire others via this blog.

Here you can find my author website

or here Amazon Author Page

About Me

Maria Antonia Diaz a.k.a. Piny

I am a Freelance writer/author who enjoys many artistic venues.  I have worn many hats during my lifetime, and I am thankful for each experience. One day, I decided to follow my true passion.  My company is The Owl, Book, and Candle.  Between my love for writing and Art, I find myself searching for more hours in the day. I try, as best as I can, to put all my passions into perspective and give them a creative outlet.  I have been able to do that through Inkspeare and The Owl, Book and Candle.  Overall, I am a student of the Universe, and a Master of none.

Sometimes, you will see an entry on a specific company or subject.  I am expressing my opinion about some products and services, and I am not endorsing them.  Please, do your own research on products or services mentioned here.

Thank you awesome bloggers for these blogging awards.  It is nice to know that Inkspeare has been of inspiration, and these certainly inspire me as well.

very-inspiring-blogger-award111kreativbloggeraward21light bulb conceptliebster-blog-award


10 thoughts on “INKSPEARE

  1. Hi Maria!

    I’m Jo – artist, writer, traveller, mental health advocate, music lover, wild west nut intrigued by science, and renaissance soul with a ridiculous sense of humour. I’ve miraculously recovered from thirty years of depression – a medication crisis was the catalyst, I’ve never felt this good – and I’m chronicling the rebuild of my polymath and adventurous, creative lifestyle on my blog, Creating My Odyssey.

    I’m reaching creatives and people with depression in particular, to explain that this illness is the most treatable of mental health issues. I consider myself extremely lucky in that it was purely by chance that we obtained the contact details of the mental health team, who, with a combination of medication (known as California Rocket Fuel- love it!) and cognitive behavioural therapy, brought me to where I am now. Which proves that provided sufferers know where to look, help is available. That’s the hard part, which shouldn’t be the case.

    With this blog, which is a great vehicle for my creativity and also covers a myriad of subjects – creativity, mental health, travel, lifestyle, etcetera – I’m unleashing everything that was previously hidden under a bushel! I’d like to exchange links with other bloggers. I’ve just done this for the first time, and I’d also like to exchange guest blogging posts, particularly on mental health issues.

    I’ve also been writing a humongous novel forever, on and off, particularly during young parenthood, to help keep me sane. It’s called Alias Jeannie Delaney and it’s the life story of a devastating cowgirl who’s the fastest gun in the west and also bisexual. Since my recovery from depression I’ve decided it’s time to get it out there! I’m blogging about it on my site. I’m principally looking for mentors or critique partners. I’ve been very shy about it, but my husband has finally taken me in hand (!) and we’re now working our way through it. 😊

    Thank you so much for reading. If you feel like dropping into any of my sites, that would be brilliant!

    Jo UK (wild west)
    Facebook Jo Bennett
    Facebook Creating My Odyssey
    Twitter @Clutton_jo

  2. Hello Jo, It is nice to meet you here and glad to hear that you are doing great. Keep unleashing your creativity and beautiful soul. Don’t worry about critiques; just put out your best work – the best of what you have to give, which is the best of you. Learn as much as you can about writing and publishing, and keep at it. If it helps, I have a section of resources on my website dedicated to aspiring writers and self-publishers. You can find it at God bless.

  3. Hi Maria,

    Thank you so much for responding, and I’m so sorry I’m late in thanking you. It’s the fault of my bulging inbox, I’m afraid.

    Thank you so much for all your resources, which I’ll certainly be looking at. Husband is helping me to edit the chapters of my humungous novel, and we’re going to finish and put out the first part and see where that goes.

    So, again, thank you so much, Maria.

    Jo, Hampshire, UK
    Creating My Odyssey – Liberating the Real Me After Thirty Years of Depression & Anxiety

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