We Are a People …

We are a People…

We are a people of strength,

because we are a people of faith.

We are a people of courage,

our faith rests in the Lord.


We are a people of kindness,

our love comes from above.

We are a people of joy.

In God we trust alone.


In good times, in bad times,

we are a people of soul.

For when darkness clouds our day,

It is He who restores our soul.

Eagle’s Flight

Photo by Maria Diaz

Today, I sat to write a post and I had nothing. My mind was blank, my heart felt heavy. As I was ready to close my notebook and throw the pen, the image of a soaring eagle crossed my mind. Then, I wrote.

Eagle’s Flight

Land of the Free

Land of the Brave

Beloved soil, beloved grave.


Sadness, despair, chaos everywhere

Tumultuous times

Ungodly affairs.


The eagle lands

Its tired wings

Signs of derail, never defeat.


A little while, a tiny rift

Its wings will flap

Its heart will heal.


Above the land, throughout the seas

The Eagle soars

In flight now, stronger it is.

From the Ashes

Photo by Maria Diaz

From the Ashes

From the ashes Eagle soars

plumage burnt,

through the fire it has flown.


In its beak, an olive leaf

In its heart

titanium shield.


As lion it roars, as lamb its soul

Made anew through the storm

Diamond eyes, beak of gold.


Beacon of light shines to the world

Stronger than ever

its grip has become.


Freedom and hope it found way above

Under God, one nation

Under God, one soul.

Jack Frost

Photo by M.A.D.

Once the cold weather starts, inevitably, I think of Jack Frost and the old cartoons depicting the old man with long frosty fingers, so I wrote him a poem.

Jack Frost

Jack Frost all dressed in white

evil fingers freezing the land.

Dark winter, time has stopped.

On the land, hell just froze.


A prayer broke the mountain ice

A ray of light appeared above.

The host’s descent cold evil melts.

The land is thawed, is free once more.

Blood and Metal

A poem of the times.

Blood and Metal

You can break my skin

but you won’t break my soul

A second, a pinch,

my freedom lies within.


Blood against metal

Machine against soul

These bones won’t break

These eyes won’t shut

Free Will is in my blood.

In God’s Image (Poetic Rant)

Photo by M.A.D.

In God’s Image – A poetic Rant

When you call out inclusion, I am insulted; I believe I am a part already.

When you want to lower standards for me, I am underrated; I have high standards.

How can there be equality when I am being set apart as being different or less than by the same policies that claim equity?

Your policies are intended to keep me down, but I have never seen myself as a victim.

I am made in the image of God, and in God I trust.

The Zombie Wife

Listening to the news may trigger an emotional response. In this case, a poem.


The Zombie Wife


Shattered, dry, tired, weak

broken spirit, broken will.

He stole her life, he cut her wings

Leaving her dreamless,

no soul within.


Poisonous love,

Ivy of lies,

Ring of deceit.

From it she drank

becoming sick.


No strength, no will

No wants, no needs

To break the chains,

to feel, to dream,

impossible feat.


A zombie wife

the nymph became.

A lonely stare, unsteady step.

A living dead

No dreams, no quest.


The Zombie Wife no tears has left,

No heart, no soul,

no blood to shed.

Empty her days,

her body carcass became.


What will it take to pump her blood?

A ray of sun, a lightning bolt?

For she has searched a withered soul,

And there she found nothing but dust.

Her only hope comes from above.


Her empty stare searching the clouds,

Her breathless lungs gasping for air,

Her shriveled heart has turned to stone,

Voiceless she screams,

Sound barrier broke.


A storm slowly brews,

lightning is seen, thunder is heard.

Tears become rain, drops of despair.

A jolting bolt strikes out her pain,

Making the dead alive again.


Photo by M.A.D.




Country Blues

If you watch the news, you are probably aware of the turmoil in this country. Sometimes, I feel as if the core of its foundation is trembling. I have to admit that the state of its affairs has overwhelmed me and even influence my mood and disposition. I don’t know if it is my perception but seems to me as if everything we have believed in, honored, and even taken from granted in this country is being tested in many levels.

I understand that for change to happen there has to be turmoil first; what is hidden must come to light and be known in order to facilitate change and growth. There can’t be a future without a past, and the only pathway to it is the present. With a heavy heart and love for country these words I wrote.

Country Blues

Red, white and blue

stripes, colors, liberty and woes.

Inside my heart the colors run

Red, white and blue, a patriot’s blood.

Feeling the blues

the eagle soars

deep within me

its wings so broad.

With every flap I feel its pain

looking for justice, hope, not disdain.

A nation ready to overcome

A people ready, in God we trust.

Red, white, and blue

the eagle soars anew.

Faith, liberty, justice, for one and all.

A people ready to honor God.

Photo by Maria Diaz

A Holiday Wish

Many times, we take things for granted; I mean, the little blessings in life. Things such as the first snow, the first bud we see at the start of spring, the first colorful leaf one sees on the floor, the sounds of nature … so many beautiful things. We also live on a planet full of people, full of souls with dreams, full of good people and not-so-good people. However, we are all on this beautiful planet. The other day, I was reflecting about the evil in this world, and how a human being can personify it. Then I got thinking, what could possibly happen to a person to become that way – a living personification of evil. I thought, at least once during a lifetime that person must have had one dream, one dream of goodness. What happened? Immediately, a thought came to mind. When we stop counting blessings, even the tiniest ones, our heart becomes heavy. Our eyes are placed away from the blessings each day brings, and wander looking for what is missing. We go from a state of gratitude and plenty to one of ungratefulness, frustration, and misery. The soul starts lacking, and the pathway becomes dark. This thought did not give me an explanation of why people turn to evil deeds, but it gave me an understanding of how easily one can go from a state of joy and plenty to one of misery and lack.

It is December, a season to celebrate joy, a season of giving, and one of receiving as well. One to wish Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas, one to dream about the new year, and wish others a happy and healthy one. A season to look back and reflect about trials and blessings, and one to give thanks as well. I truly want to wish you all a beautiful and meaningful season, and a new year full of blessings, but mostly, I want to thank each one of you for being part of my world, for every comment, like, and read, because I don’t want to take those for granted – they are part of my blessings.

To you all Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Thank you. To all, my love.

Shining Stars

It was the night before Christmas 

and I stepped outside to see

a sky showing all its glory

a firmament all lit.


A silence as no other

whispered its peace to me

The blessings of the season

filling the air I breathe.


As I looked to the heavens

a star shone bright above

the love of Jesus my savior, I thought

filling my heart with his love.


Then one by one the stars shone bright

each one with a special light.

A voice I heard inside my heart

A whisper of love so bright.


These are the souls of mankind 

born pure, of evil none

like stars shining above

to each, a special light bestowed.


It was the night before Christmas

I stepped outside to see.

I saw the love of God

for every human being.