Around the Garden

The beauty that a garden gives in a few pictures.

Isn’t he gorgeous? (Photo by M.A.D.)
This year mushrooms grew everywhere, especially in the faerie garden. These are huge. (Photo by M.A.D.)
Size comparison. Unfortunately, these mushrooms decompose very fast, and they smell like a rotten corpse. Bees, flies, and ants are attracted to it. (Photo by M.A.D.)
Two decomposing stinky mushrooms. They will melt and disappear. (Photo by M.A.D.)
Pretty colorful ones too. (Photo by M.A.D.)
Mama Turkey and her adorable babies stopped by. Could not get a clear picture as they moved fast. (Photo by M.A.D.)
The blessing of early Mums. (Photo by M.A.D.)

All little things that make me stop and smile. Hope you enjoyed the pictures.

Love and Light.

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