Photo by Maria Diaz

This post is about my feelings on AI (artificial intelligence) and the future of writing and publishing. First, I should disclose that I am biased, and also old-school. I am more like the character Will Smith plays in I-Robot. Of course, when new inventions have been introduced in the history of humankind, there has been distrust, inquisition, questions, trepidation, and so much more. Much has been said about AI, especially, during the past year, and by now most of you must be familiar with some applications in technology, including writing. My concern is with the future of writing and the quality of content, as well as the increase on an already saturated market full of the good, the bad, and the ugly. Must all be doom and gloom? Of course not. The same was said about print on demand and independent publishing, and here we are today. Saturation? Yes. I am sure that there are many benefits to AI, probably across and extended to all endeavors. Going back to the topic of quality and quantity, AI will be a best friend to those who want to make a quick buck while saturating the writing market with stories/content written at a fast pace and without care or soul.

That being said, so many questions arise, at least on my mind.

Will the publishing giants favor their own mass-produced stories?

Will freelance writers compete with AI on speed and delivery or will they embrace it?

Will they be paid less for their originality? What are the parameters for originality when it comes down to AI? Is it possible for AI to commit plagiarism?

Will readers appreciate a book written in what will become the “classical way” or will they become consumers of fast stories that might cater to their need for “more and quickly, please.”

Will the quality of stories suffer, or will it challenge writers? Will readers even notice?

Will AI become a favorite tool of writers or an archenemy?

Will it help with writer’s block or make it worse?

Will writers who care for quality and not quantity feel threatened by AI?

Will human writing even exist in the future or will “Robotina” kill the writer?

Of course, it is too early to tell, and I don’t have a crystal ball on my desk. As for this old-school writer, I believe that words evoke feelings, and that might or might not matter in a not-so-distant future.

4 thoughts on “On AI

  1. Thank you for stopping by and sharing the article. It is always good to see other points of view. The purpose of this post is to highlight how this technology might affect writers in the future, not to debate its perception as a science fiction entity or even its perception in society today. The technology is real and eventually, it will be developed more so, and companies will take advantage of it, including writers. As of now, some writers are being paid less because some companies are supplementing with AI. The better it becomes and more utilized, the more influence it will have in many endeavors. It is here to stay and evolve. That’s the angle. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Yes. Basically what this technology is — is a new way to marshall the powers of scale. Already in the last two decades, the pure scale of the internet, matched with its ideology of taking everything and giving it for free, has demolished the livlihoods of musicians, and bookshop owners, and so on. I think what the article highlights is that we need to collectively realize that the new algorithms do not lift the texts we consume into new heights. Instead they secretly drop our expectations and tolerances for quality, originality, and authenticity. They smush us and compact us in a tighter ball of mediocrity. I did get your angle… was just trying to propose another one, which seems a possible remedial direction. Not easy though. People follow trend.

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