‘Tis the Season

It is the season to look up, down, and all around. No matter where we look, there is something to be seen. From meteor showers to leaves on the ground, critters looking for shelter, or the bright moon, to planets that look like bright stars; all of it is beautiful. There is also the unusual, the unexpected, like a spring flower coming up in the garden in the cold weather, or the late red rose that doesn’t wither after a frost. All of it, although simple, is wondrous.

A majestic morning moon peeking through the leafless branches.
That very bright star on a very dark night.
The same star (I think it is planet Jupiter) zoomed in.
The ground covered in leaves (for the third time).

Nature is ready to take a rest, but it is still whispering its wonders, and displaying its magic.

A Colorful Car Show

This is mostly a fun post, and one that lovers of classic cars might enjoy. Chatham’s August Car Cruise-In took place this past Saturday; an event that our community enjoys very much. Car enthusiasts and lovers come from many areas to enjoy this show. It takes place monthly during the summer. Main street is closed at some points, and people can enjoy an afternoon and early evening looking at these beauties as well as enjoy some delicious food from vendors. My husband, being a mechanic, was in heaven, and I as well; as a child I opted to play with cars over dolls. I took tons of photos; however, I will share a few of my favorites, but because I could not download them from my phone for some reason, I will be posting a picture from a picture, hence why these might not be as clear. I hope that you, fellow car lovers, enjoy these. Cars as the eye can see …

Engine Roar

It was very hard to pick a favorite among all these gorgeous cars, but one stood out.

My favorite of all.

And if I had to choose a favorite engine as well, it is this one.

My favorite engine.

Hope that you enjoyed this post and photos.

Critters and Veggies

The garden just started to give its loveliness; we had a late start, but this autumn seems promising. Lettuce is all done by now, and so are the potatoes, and the blueberries. Carrots are on the way. We are awaiting the ripening of the grapes, but the deer have been busy around the vine. (Photo by M.A.D.)
The hummingbirds have been very busy this year. Since moving here, this is the year when I have seen more of them feeding. That is just wonderful. (Photo by M.A.D.)
The tail end of a black snake on the porch. One thing I have learned since I moved here is to look before I step outside. On one occasion, as I was stepping outside by the side entrance, I almost got rammed by a leaping deer running from barking dogs I heard at a distance. His companion followed. It missed me by a few inches. The scared couple flew through the air. I thank God that I did not step out a second before. (Photo by M.A.D.)
And here is the black beauty going about her day. (Photo by M.A.D.)
Mama Turkey and her darlings made another visit. They have grown fast, and now they are less likely to follow her in a straight line. They are adorable. (Photo by M.A.D.)
And of course, my lovely crows, for whom I named this place “Black Crow Cottage.” I have observed different families raising the babies this year (at least three families, that I could tell apart by the size of the babies). They have been nesting nearby in the back woods. At times, the families are near to each other teaching the babies how to forage for food. In this picture you can see Mama Crow to the left; she is larger. (Photo by M.A.D.)

Hope you enjoy the images.

Around the Garden

The beauty that a garden gives in a few pictures.

Isn’t he gorgeous? (Photo by M.A.D.)
This year mushrooms grew everywhere, especially in the faerie garden. These are huge. (Photo by M.A.D.)
Size comparison. Unfortunately, these mushrooms decompose very fast, and they smell like a rotten corpse. Bees, flies, and ants are attracted to it. (Photo by M.A.D.)
Two decomposing stinky mushrooms. They will melt and disappear. (Photo by M.A.D.)
Pretty colorful ones too. (Photo by M.A.D.)
Mama Turkey and her adorable babies stopped by. Could not get a clear picture as they moved fast. (Photo by M.A.D.)
The blessing of early Mums. (Photo by M.A.D.)

All little things that make me stop and smile. Hope you enjoyed the pictures.

Love and Light.

A Single Flower

Photo by M.A.D.

In as much as a single flower, exists a whole world, a world of color, patterns, texture, lines, dimension, shape and form, of beauty and awe, when you stop to carefully and mindfully observe it. It can only speak of the magnificence and magnitude of its creator.

Garden Friends

It is always lovely to spot a few friends in the garden.

I have not seen these birds before, but they are adorable. The tail’s color is my favorite shade of blue.

The deer are always visiting.

The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” Isaiah 58:11 NIV

Unexpected Beauty

Sometimes, beauty takes you by surprise and makes you gasp and smile. I took the first two pictures this morning: something unexpected but delightful.

The sun had come up and it illuminated this tree at a perfect angle because it looked as if the raindrops were dangling and glistening like tinsel. A magical sight from my favorite chair. I had to run and grab the camera before it was over. This oak tree is on my closest neighbor’s property. It keeps its dry leaves until the spring. What a lovely sight.
This is just the reflection of a drop of water that is on the outer side of the window glass. As I was going down the stairs, I noticed what I thought were shards of glass on the window. As I got closer and attempted to grab them, I realized it was just a reflection. I thought these were beautiful to look at, and I had never noticed them before. I went downstairs quickly and grabbed the camera once more. What a treat. I know, the window needs cleaning on the outside, but it is winter.
I took this picture the other day. The garden has gone to sleep, and we have had temperatures on and off in the 20s at night and even hit 6 degrees one time, but this plant refuses to go to sleep and keeps flowering. It is the only one in the garden that is still offering its colorful beauty, that is, besides the forsythia plant next door that always blooms in December. A lovely sight.
Every winter, I look forward to seeing this Forsythia bloom in December. So far, this plant seems to prefer winter blooms and not blooming in the spring. For the past four years, I have noticed her early blooms and enjoy it.

Hope you enjoy these pictures.

An Unusual Partnership

2021- Falcon hanging out with Crow friends Photo by M.A.D.

Last year, I shared this picture of a falcon that seemed to be friends with the crows. On occasion, I saw the bird hanging around with the crows, and none of them seemed to be afraid. This year, a falcon has been hanging around with the crows. I don’t think it is the same one; the colors of its plumage seem a bit different. I looked it up and it seems to be a Common Kestrel, a type of falcon, but I am not sure. This seems to be an unusual and unexpected partnership, and none of the crows seem to be afraid of the falcon. Here are the photos I took the other day.

Photo by M.A.D.

Birds of a feather flock together?