A Colorful Car Show

This is mostly a fun post, and one that lovers of classic cars might enjoy. Chatham’s August Car Cruise-In took place this past Saturday; an event that our community enjoys very much. Car enthusiasts and lovers come from many areas to enjoy this show. It takes place monthly during the summer. Main street is closed at some points, and people can enjoy an afternoon and early evening looking at these beauties as well as enjoy some delicious food from vendors. My husband, being a mechanic, was in heaven, and I as well; as a child I opted to play with cars over dolls. I took tons of photos; however, I will share a few of my favorites, but because I could not download them from my phone for some reason, I will be posting a picture from a picture, hence why these might not be as clear. I hope that you, fellow car lovers, enjoy these. Cars as the eye can see …

Engine Roar

It was very hard to pick a favorite among all these gorgeous cars, but one stood out.

My favorite of all.

And if I had to choose a favorite engine as well, it is this one.

My favorite engine.

Hope that you enjoyed this post and photos.