What I Am Reading Now – Endless Universe

Herbert presents Endless Universe by Paul J. Steinhardt and Neil Turok (Photo by M.A.D.)

I have been trying to make a dent on the backlog of books on my bookshelf. It is time for me to read Endless Universe by Paul J. Steinhardt and Neil Turok. I have meant to read this book for quite some time. I am sure that by now, there have been new developments on the Cyclic Theory, but I am going to read it. The book was written by two cosmologists, and it is about the discussion of a new theory of the origin of the universe. New theory back then, when the book was written, that is.

So, why is a Christian reading this book? Short answer: It is not going to make me less of a Christian by reading it (not contagious like chicken pox). Long answer: Although I believe that God created Heavens and Earth, this topic has always fascinated me, so from time to time I read something related to it. I don’t need proof of anything, my faith rests in the Lord. If anything, reading has strengthened my faith throughout the years. So far, this one seems interesting enough to capture my attention.

By the end of the year, I hope to have make a significant dent on the pile of books. I find that having this pile prevents me from enjoying other books that are new releases, unless it is something that I must read now. It is like a cloud that hangs over my head, so I am making the effort to reduce it a bit more. I know that there is always going to be somewhat of a small pile waiting for me, because who can resist a good book when you see one? I prefer to hold a book on my hand when I read. I tried to get used to electronic format and ended up hating it. Simply, it is not for me; Herbert would understand.

Move! Motion Gives Life

Earth's motion caused by the moon around their...

Image via Wikipedia


Bodies were made to be in motion.  Motion is creation, so if you move, you start the chain of creation.  To move is like mechanics, but more as in the spiritual level.  Spirit is not quiet and stuck in a place – Spirit moves around and while moving around it creates.

A body in motion invites Spirit because blood flows; blood is life – life is energy – energy is the fuel for Spirit.  Got it?